Hi Everyone

My name is Chris and I am an addict. If you or someone you know is currently finding themselves in the midst of a deathly drug or alcohol addiction, well then join the club.
Here is a very brief account of my life over the past 20 years. Yes, 20 years is how long I was entrapped by my disease. The drugs that eventually became my life were crack cocaine and heroin. I had (and truly believed) to use these drugs every single day to be able to survive, not live but survive.
The consequences of my drug usage for over the period of 20 years landed me in jail 10 times, on the streets more times that I can remember, hospital for 7 overdoses and rehabs 29 times. All of my friends from back then are all dead and a girlfriend I had whilst in addiction that used to use with me is also dead, she died in bed next to me. I had passed out , and whilst passed out this young lady carried on using and subsequently overdosed, leaving me to wake up or rather come too , with the sight of my stone dead girlfriend laying right next to me.
NOW, I am blessed , with many years clean, sober and living a completely different life, a life engulfed with principles and values, which brought me the gift of peace and happiness , which for 36 years I had never experienced. Because of this that I am writing, shouting and screaming out to all you addicts, families, friends and associates of addicts.
With the assistance and guidance of a drug & alcohol therapist that showed me a whole new way of life, a unique approach which I embraced to live a life of principles and values. It would be impossible to return to my addiction as using drugs and principles and values do not align. It was simple, live with my new found principles and values and my using days were over. For 11 years now it has proved to be the case.
I did make use of the Naltrexone implant in my first 3 months, it aided me by giving me the strength to change my life. It is a recovery aid not an alternative to recovery itself. Recovery must be viewed as a lifelong journey. Naltrexone does make it easier to take that first step in putting the drugs down.
I did put the Naltrexone to the test to see if what they were saying about it was in fact true. I can absolutely truly say that it did nothing to me, it was as if I smoked a normal cigarette. No affect what so ever.
I now assist addicts in changing their lives, instead of ruining my own and my loved ones.