
#Never give Up! My name is Chris Lubbe (number 083 7604488) and I am an alcoholic and drug addict who has been clean and sober for over 13 years, I currently work with those wanting to overcome their own addictions, as a clean addict I have deeply personal experience overcoming my own inner demons and have since helped hundreds of people in my last 13 years of sobriety to also overcome their own addiction demons. Naltrexone(Naltima South Africa) is an approved medication that is used to assist both drug addicts and alcoholics in recovery when paired with therapy and councelling sessions, and this is where I specialize in helping people and my success rates over all these years is close to 80%. 

The success rate of Naltrexone and specialized therapy versus rehabs, AA or even NA meetings with their 12 step programmes is incredible, for those on opioid medication or drugs a clean period of 6 days is required before starting Naltrexone but for alcoholics there is the Sinclair method, which allows the person to continue drinking for a period to slowly “untrain” their brain and focus on putting positive changes in place before they eventually “put it down”.

In rehabs the focus is to get the person clean and or sober and then send them out into the world again, unfortunately this is what leads to such low success rates(as low as 1%) as the person has not actually changed and very quickly falls back into old habits and relapses and the vicious cycle starts again, rehabs are also business’s and unfortunelty need their “clients” to return to keep the business functioning.

I was on alcohol and heroin for as long as I can remember, in my last 40 years of either being in active addiction or helping other people overcome their addictions, Naltrexone assisted treatment has by far proven to be the most successful, the programme I teach is about changing yourself, this is not a fast process and we all know change takes time but with the right change and the right principles and values in your life putting down your drug of choice is not a difficult thing, Naltrexone is also a bit of wonder drug in assisting this process

Since working with the Naltexrone implant or people taking the tablet form, I have never seen such astonishing results. I have seen addicts that I truly believed would not live another month, go on the Naltrexone implant and a week to 10 days later they looked as if they have never used drugs in their lives before.

The statistics of the addicts/alcoholics that used the Naltrexone in conjunction with the therapy I provide stayed clean and changed their lives/lifestyles and became productive members of society again. 

If any addict/alcoholic that is considering this proven process of success in changing their lives, I am the person to call. I will share all the information you need to know and what to expect. 

If anybody needs any further information on the Naltrexone implant, please call me on +27 083 760 4488